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It wont be as good Rune....




The cast is not as solid....




Martin Sheen > Robert Duvall in the role of Lee.



and etc.

I agree, they should have given that movie a better marketing strategy and tried to get that movie a better showing at the boxoffice.


If I remember it only made 10mil and you know a movie like that had to cost a lot of $. Let's see if Gods and Generals can save the pre 20th century war Franchise.

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DareDevil was ok..... It could've been alot better, imo.


Why have this movie when we already have Spider-man which was 10x better? The movie just didn't interest me at all. Ok, it did a little :|


Some action parts were real good but some fell into the "seen that already" category.


I give it a big "MEH"

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I just saw it, it was complete c***! The only parts that got me excited were the cameo's of Stan "The Man" Lee, and Kevin Smith. The fight seen's were not bad but could have been better and the acting was horrible.


I was not a fan of the Spidey movie but this made it look good.


I'd give it a D+

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You probably just don't look, their's one in Hazelton an old run down miner's city. I'm sure their is one in Miami.


As for the Hulk, I'm hoping that it will bring a big draw to make way for a possible Thing movie. Thing beats all.


It will be a hit but nowhere near Spider Man and maybe not even beat Daredevil. Eric Bana and Jennifer Connely are still developing into box office draw's.

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