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I would have to say that the best game I have played this year is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.


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Starcraft is the best game you've played this year? Wow, that says alot about todays games, lol. But StarCraft is cool though.

ncaa football 04

ive had World Series Baseball 2k3 for a month now, and i cant stop playing it. Seeing all the commercials for NCAA football 04 really makes me want that game, but im short on funds.

Wolfenstein for the Xbox.

NCAA Football 04 is the BEST football game I've ever played.

Let alone the best game i've ever played.

Starcraft is the best game you've played this year? Wow, that says alot about todays games, lol. But StarCraft is cool though.

Starcraft involves using you head to out smart your opponent.Starcraft is great game but not single player but playing over internet on battle.net.There only three games that I enjoy playing those are:





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Star Craft was fun, although I was more of a Command and Conquer fan myself.

Star Craft was fun, although I was more of a Command and Conquer fan myself.

How about a 1v1 on Broodwar. :hat

best game this year: Splinter Cell


best games ever: Half-Life, HALO, DeusEx and C&C RA1

Probably the best game I played this year was Mechassault for Xbox.At first I thought it sucked but then it got much better.But the experience was short lived since I had only rented the game and didn't have Live.Poor me.


Last year I kept myself busy the whole time playing games .But now I don't have enough money and I don't know for which game to save up for.Suikoden 3 might keep me busy for a long time.Soul Calibur 2 would be really fun at first but then I would never touch it again like Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance since I don't have anyone to play against.And then theres even more new games coming out on the 2 systems that I own. :thumbdown

Starcraft involves using you head to out smart your opponent.Starcraft is great game but not single player but playing over internet on battle.net.There only three games that I enjoy playing those are:





I used to play Warcraft 2 on Battle.net all the time.

Zelda and Grand Theft Auto:Vice City

Starcraft involves using you head to out smart your opponent.Starcraft is great game but not single player but playing over internet on battle.net.There only three games that I enjoy playing those are:





I used to play Warcraft 2 on Battle.net all the time. Have you played warcraft 3?If you haven't,I suggest you give it a try.Very good game which is filled with alot more strategy.

Starcraft involves using you head to out smart your opponent.Starcraft is great game but not single player but playing over internet on battle.net.There only three games that I enjoy playing those are:





I used to play Warcraft 2 on Battle.net all the time. Have you played warcraft 3?If you haven't,I suggest you give it a try.Very good game which is filled with alot more strategy. I would like to but my computer sucks, so when I tried it I could barely run it, and that was offline.

Starcraft involves using you head to out smart your opponent.Starcraft is great game but not single player but playing over internet on battle.net.There only three games that I enjoy playing those are:





I used to play Warcraft 2 on Battle.net all the time. Have you played warcraft 3?If you haven't,I suggest you give it a try.Very good game which is filled with alot more strategy. I would like to but my computer sucks, so when I tried it I could barely run it, and that was offline. That sucks.. :banghead

NCAA FOOTBALL 2004! Best game ever created.

wsb and knights of the old republic.

World Series baseball 2k3

No one dare laugh. .> Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


It was my first year of actually getting my hands on the game from another student at school. *sold it to me* So I sat down and placed it. Believe it or not, I first heard, or rather, liked Link from playing Super Smash Bros. for N64. Since then, since last year, I have been an elf freak. ^_^

I want to play WindWaker.

No one dare laugh. .> Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time


It was my first year of actually getting my hands on the game from another student at school. *sold it to me* So I sat down and placed it. Believe it or not, I first heard, or rather, liked Link from playing Super Smash Bros. for N64. Since then, since last year, I have been an elf freak. ^_^

I want to play WindWaker.


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