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he's gone fastball first pitch to every batter and whoever scott schebler is was just waiting for it



Why do we keep giving up homers to pieces of shit who are hitting below .200?



Preston STFU



Why do we keep giving up homers to pieces of shit who are hitting below .200?


Because we have an equal opportunity policy!   :grin-min:






Preston STFU

Ears bleeding





this prado tear is really spectacular 



dont do anything stupid ozuna



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Ozuna will drive Prado in 



Oh zuna



Ears bleeding





This is the worst I've ever heard from him.



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back to being a gb/strikeout machine of 2015



dont do anything stupid ozuna


He dun goofed.






Great job, Ozuna.



The hell?



Great job, Ozuna.


58% gb rate in august  :rain



lol why was don ejected?



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Atta boy Don 



Frustration of White Sox series, Stanton and Conley just erupted from Mount Mattingly



was he arguing balls and strikes? 



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Rich is tired of Preston 



ump aint calling that high strike or JT aint framing. only got gameday rite now



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Rule #1. Don't walk Billy Hamilton 



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