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The site will be near the OB...now will the city of Miami turn there backs on the Marlins? I wonder what Hank inside source :lol the mayor of the city of Miami say tomorrow? The Marlins will go back to the state tomorrow with a site in hand.



your move!


Come again? :blink:

Not to seem like a wet blanket, but for all intents and purposes, it's dead with the state for this year. Additionally, even if we get the $60 mil, we're still short by over $50 mil. Where's that money going to come from?

Do It Please

Maybe I missed something, but where is that news coming from?

I just heard it on channel 7. Samson said a deal with the city for an OB site is almost done, and he hopes this changes the views of the members that oppose the bill in tallahassee.

Get it done now!

As Adam Sandler said in The Wedding Singer, "It would have been nice to know this YESTERDAY" or weeks ago when state funding wasnt all but shot down and only a 10 days remained in the legislative session.

Would have been useful a few days ago. :plain

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I understand some questioning the moves so far, but the Marlins did not want to show there hand so soon on a site. IMO :whistle they were holdout hope for a downtown area site.

what does this actually mean, in the grand scope of things? let's say they do now how the Orange Bowl site as their targetted site...what does that mean for the money situation? are we still SOL if this bill gets voted down? or does that change in light of this announcement?

:headscratch This has to be the strangest stadium negotiation I've ever heard. The ownership have said for the longest time that they want the same tax break afforded to the other sports clubs in the state because they're so short of funds. :anon


Are they now willing to compromise on the ballpark - no roof; basic designs - just so that they'll stay in the area? Look, I'm trying to be positive here but it's a strange way of doing things.


If true, then the city of Miami pols will get their way in the end. This is why it's not thrilling me at the moment. :confused

edcanes :notworthy :notworthy

I really dont see what the problem is with the OB site. The only problem is parking - and that is no small problem.


I think we have to sit tight and see what happens here. I dont believe ANYONE at this point.

well and also the original OB site plan did not involve a retractable roof.... which was a big problem I had with it.


apparently this one would be in the "area of the orange bowl" but I don't think it's the same design where the two buildings were connected. Samson said this one would involve a retractable roof.

Saying that there is nothing wrong with the OB site because the Hurricanes have played there for 50 years misses the point entirely.


You can't compare a six game Saturday football schedule to an 81 game baseball schedule with games throughout the week and starting times while rush hour is still ongoing nevermind the lack of highway access, the lack of parking (revenue), etc. etc.


I'm sympathetic to the plight of Broward and PBC fans (I live in MB so it will be easier for me personally) who have supported this team and are going to have an additional hour or more added to their trip to see the Marlins. Just wait until there's an accident on 836 traffic backs up to 95, it's going to be a nightmare.

and of course, all of this is why the OB has been a last resort up until now. well, it's April 21st....we're at our last resort. having to drive an extra hour to see the Marlins is sure better than having to fly to see them. :confused

Saying that there is nothing wrong with the OB site because the Hurricanes have played there for 50 years misses the point entirely.


You can't compare a six game Saturday football schedule to an 81 game baseball schedule with games throughout the week and starting times while rush hour is still ongoing nevermind the lack of highway access, the lack of parking (revenue), etc. etc.


I'm sympathetic to the plight of Broward and PBC fans (I live in MB so it will be easier for me personally) who have supported this team and are going to have an additional hour or more added to their trip to see the Marlins. Just wait until there's an accident on 836 traffic backs up to 95, it's going to be a nightmare.

I'm sympathetic too. But there was no option to build in Broward so why even raise this issue? Too continue to enagage in some sort of wishful thinking that the stadium is somehow going to be built (or should have been built) on your streetcorner, when the reality is not that at all, is just confusing things.


And it is significant that the OB has been a major stadium for 50+ years (its use has been not just for the UM but for many things: Dolphins, soccer, high school games, Orange Bowl game, political rallies, concerts, minor league baseball, etc.). It means billions of people have gone there and that it works as a venue.

Not for a moment was I suggesting the stadium should be built in Broward.


You didn't even read my post, I said I live on Miami Beach and I'm certainly not suggesting it be built here. As for occassional uses of the OB over the years, those are for the most part one time events, and I stand by what i said, you cannot compare a Saturday or Sunday schedule of a handful of games to major league baseball and an 81 game schedule, many of those games played when traffic is at its worst.

Saying that there is nothing wrong with the OB site because the Hurricanes have played there for 50 years misses the point entirely.


You can't compare a six game Saturday football schedule to an 81 game baseball schedule with games throughout the week and starting times while rush hour is still ongoing nevermind the lack of highway access, the lack of parking (revenue), etc. etc.


I'm sympathetic to the plight of Broward and PBC fans (I live in MB so it will be easier for me personally) who have supported this team and are going to have an additional hour or more added to their trip to see the Marlins. Just wait until there's an accident on 836 traffic backs up to 95, it's going to be a nightmare.

I'm sympathetic too. But there was no option to build in Broward so why even raise this issue? Too continue to enagage in some sort of wishful thinking that the stadium is somehow going to be built (or should have been built) on your streetcorner, when the reality is not that at all, is just confusing things.


And it is significant that the OB has been a major stadium for 50+ years (its use has been not just for the UM but for many things: Dolphins, soccer, high school games, Orange Bowl game, political rallies, concerts, minor league baseball, etc.). It means billions of people have gone there and that it works as a venue. I agree 100%. Beggars cant be choosers, and if this stadium has a roof on it like we are being told, then this is a pretty good deal in my opinion. The Marlins would finally break free of H-bomb - which to me is a miracle in of itself. I dont think a lot of people really understand the amount of lobbying and pressure H-bomb has put on the locals here. This is a bad thing for H's monopoly of S. Fl. sports, but a great thing for the S. Fl. sports fan. Now teams will have to be competitve with one another and field good teams. The Heat and Marlins are really the only teams doing so right now.


As far as Marlins2003 and other's concerns, they are legitimate but not at all deal breakers. Traffic can be controlled to a certain extent - most of that rush hour traffic is LEAVING downtown while fans would be ENTERING downtown. Not to mention that some of that rush hour traffic might stick around and enjoy a game instead. Also, you can alternate start times to avoid the traffic. A game at 7:30pm should not have too much of a problem with traffic. The bigger issue here is parking though and I am curious to see how that will be handled. But even that could benefit from some creative thinking and good-ol-fashioned American entrepreneurship.


As far as I am concerned, if we get a stadium, it is a great thing.

As far as I am concerned, if we get a stadium, it is a great thing.


With this statement I agree 100% :thumbup

The problem is they are LEAVING on 836, the problem isn't 95.

The MArlins are set on being on Downtown or as close to downtown as possible. For the OB site to be successful, I see two critical components being there.


1) Must have Roof

2) New parking space


I think OB+roof > any other Florida location for a Stadium with/out roof

I still say move them to Albuquerque. No congested traffic, put them right smack dab in the middle of downtown.

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