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This teacher was attacked AFTER the student slapped him during class??!!


I woulda called the PoPo right after the slapping.

I'm glad nobody got seriously injured. There are some crazy people out there.

I am surprised the teacher did nothing after the slap, so annoyed by some people.

Ugh, this kinda stuff is ridiculous... agreed, the student should have been handled at the first sign of issue, the slap

Im sick of the stupid kid's in my generation everybody is just lets smoke weed or get head from an underaged girl wtf most of us teens these days are so messed up with there lives out of school it isnt even funny

Saddest part they really have talents and a chance to be special but they just waste it all away and rather smoke weed and play world of warcraft!

Im sick of the stupid kid's in my generation everybody is just lets smoke weed or get head from an underaged girl wtf most of us teens these days are so messed up with there lives out of school it isnt even funny

Saddest part they really have talents and a chance to be special but they just waste it all away and rather smoke weed and play world of warcraft!



You should write a rap song.

Im sick of the stupid kid's in my generation everybody is just lets smoke weed or get head from an underaged girl wtf most of us teens these days are so messed up with there lives out of school it isnt even funny

Saddest part they really have talents and a chance to be special but they just waste it all away and rather smoke weed and play world of warcraft!



I really do wonder what this next generation will be like and find the whole "generation" thing to be kind of fascinating. Your gen is pretty amazing to think you will be the first generation born plugged into the internet revolution. Your entire outlook in life will be different to any other previous gen.


Just the way you from the first moments you learned how to sign on could and did interact with people from all around the world and so many kids can access any kind of information or entertainment in literally seconds. You also have drugs like adderall and riddilin that change the game too. If I had to make a prediction I would think your gen is going to be extremely book smart and intelligent but far and away the most socially challenged.


I'm sure people thought the same things with the proliferation of TV and probably radios too, but the internet is just so much bigger and different in many ways.

Im sick of the stupid kid's in my generation everybody is just lets smoke weed or get head from an underaged girl wtf most of us teens these days are so messed up with there lives out of school it isnt even funny

Saddest part they really have talents and a chance to be special but they just waste it all away and rather smoke weed and play world of warcraft!



I really do wonder what this next generation will be like and find the whole "generation" thing to be kind of fascinating. Your gen is pretty amazing to think you will be the first generation born plugged into the internet revolution. Your entire outlook in life will be different to any other previous gen.


Just the way you from the first moments you learned how to sign on could and did interact with people from all around the world and so many kids can access any kind of information or entertainment in literally seconds. You also have drugs like adderall and riddilin that change the game too. If I had to make a prediction I would think your gen is going to be extremely book smart and intelligent but far and away the most socially challenged.


I'm sure people thought the same things with the proliferation of TV and probably radios too, but the internet is just so much bigger and different in many ways.



That really all depends how you use the internet / technology to your advantage, really.

You should see the online courses my brother is taking. Basically, there's no need for a book. Every answer is given to you, searching through google, and even when it's not, the teacher is so retarded that if you BS the answer, she still gives you an A.


The internet might provide more technology, but it could also provide a new era to the meaning of laziness, considering a lot of things are just GIVEN to you.

Im sick of the stupid kid's in my generation everybody is just lets smoke weed or get head from an underaged girl wtf most of us teens these days are so messed up with there lives out of school it isnt even funny

Saddest part they really have talents and a chance to be special but they just waste it all away and rather smoke weed and play world of warcraft!



I really do wonder what this next generation will be like and find the whole "generation" thing to be kind of fascinating. Your gen is pretty amazing to think you will be the first generation born plugged into the internet revolution. Your entire outlook in life will be different to any other previous gen.


Just the way you from the first moments you learned how to sign on could and did interact with people from all around the world and so many kids can access any kind of information or entertainment in literally seconds. You also have drugs like adderall and riddilin that change the game too. If I had to make a prediction I would think your gen is going to be extremely book smart and intelligent but far and away the most socially challenged.


I'm sure people thought the same things with the proliferation of TV and probably radios too, but the internet is just so much bigger and different in many ways.


In what respect? This next generation will have access to people from all over the world at any given instant. Now... maybe in "real-life" situations there may be difficulties... but I mean, I think to some extent, this will be the MOST socially-abled generation.

yeah those darn "real-life situations" .....





I'm sure that's what GF is referring to and I agree completely.



Son of one of my friends sits in his room the entire day with headphones on playing war games or something. The kid can't have a 10-second conversation.


'Course he is a teenager, which means he'd probably be annoying and antisocial regardless. So it's hard to say for sure...

yeah those darn "real-life situations" .....





I'm sure that's what GF is referring to and I agree completely.



Son of one of my friends sits in his room the entire day with headphones on playing war games or something. The kid can't have a 10-second conversation.


'Course he is a teenager, which means he'd probably be annoying and antisocial regardless. So it's hard to say for sure...


This is what I was referencing... verbal communication skills will decline, but I believe written communication ability (not necessarily skill) will increase

That really all depends how you use the internet / technology to your advantage, really.

You should see the online courses my brother is taking. Basically, there's no need for a book. Every answer is given to you, searching through google, and even when it's not, the teacher is so retarded that if you BS the answer, she still gives you an A.


The internet might provide more technology, but it could also provide a new era to the meaning of laziness, considering a lot of things are just GIVEN to you.




I'm not sure I would call it laziness, but I think we are already seeing google have an effect on the way people's brains work and the way we go about things. Brains will be wired differently to get answers in the shortest, quickest form possible. Bullet point solutions instead of researching or reading books to gain knowledge. Not saying either way is better or worse, it's the way things will be IMO.




I'm sure people thought the same things with the proliferation of TV and probably radios too, but the internet is just so much bigger and different in many ways.



In what respect? This next generation will have access to people from all over the world at any given instant. Now... maybe in "real-life" situations there may be difficulties... but I mean, I think to some extent, this will be the MOST socially-abled generation.



I think you are confusing socially able with tolerance of people? access to people may help tolerance, but won't help people in real life situations. I mean...seriously ...just think of the effect instant PORN of any kind and the internet is going to have on this generation and dating??


Honestly though it's really not a 'debate' I feel comfortable having because I don't know the answers to any of it, just think it is an interesting discussion.



EDIT: I still got this damn message!




The number of opening and closing quote tags does not match. Please fix this to submit your post.

yeah those darn "real-life situations" .....





I'm sure that's what GF is referring to and I agree completely.



Son of one of my friends sits in his room the entire day with headphones on playing war games or something. The kid can't have a 10-second conversation.


'Course he is a teenager, which means he'd probably be annoying and antisocial regardless. So it's hard to say for sure...


This is what I was referencing... verbal communication skills will decline, but I believe written communication ability (not necessarily skill) will increase


See I agree with that but would put written communication skills in the book smart category and verbal communications skills in the social one....


so disregard my previous comment on tolerance if that is what you meant.

Im sick of the stupid kid's in my generation everybody is just lets smoke weed or get head from an underaged girl wtf most of us teens these days are so messed up with there lives out of school it isnt even funny

Saddest part they really have talents and a chance to be special but they just waste it all away and rather smoke weed and play world of warcraft!



I really do wonder what this next generation will be like and find the whole "generation" thing to be kind of fascinating. Your gen is pretty amazing to think you will be the first generation born plugged into the internet revolution. Your entire outlook in life will be different to any other previous gen.


Just the way you from the first moments you learned how to sign on could and did interact with people from all around the world and so many kids can access any kind of information or entertainment in literally seconds. You also have drugs like adderall and riddilin that change the game too. If I had to make a prediction I would think your gen is going to be extremely book smart and intelligent but far and away the most socially challenged.


I'm sure people thought the same things with the proliferation of TV and probably radios too, but the internet is just so much bigger and different in many ways.



That really all depends how you use the internet / technology to your advantage, really.

You should see the online courses my brother is taking. Basically, there's no need for a book. Every answer is given to you, searching through google, and even when it's not, the teacher is so retarded that if you BS the answer, she still gives you an A.


The internet might provide more technology, but it could also provide a new era to the meaning of laziness, considering a lot of things are just GIVEN to you.


Wiki has saved my ass on numerous occasions for uni assignments lol

Im sick of the stupid kid's in my generation everybody is just lets smoke weed or get head from an underaged girl wtf most of us teens these days are so messed up with there lives out of school it isnt even funny

Saddest part they really have talents and a chance to be special but they just waste it all away and rather smoke weed and play world of warcraft!



I really do wonder what this next generation will be like and find the whole "generation" thing to be kind of fascinating. Your gen is pretty amazing to think you will be the first generation born plugged into the internet revolution. Your entire outlook in life will be different to any other previous gen.


Just the way you from the first moments you learned how to sign on could and did interact with people from all around the world and so many kids can access any kind of information or entertainment in literally seconds. You also have drugs like adderall and riddilin that change the game too. If I had to make a prediction I would think your gen is going to be extremely book smart and intelligent but far and away the most socially challenged.


I'm sure people thought the same things with the proliferation of TV and probably radios too, but the internet is just so much bigger and different in many ways.


In what respect? This next generation will have access to people from all over the world at any given instant. Now... maybe in "real-life" situations there may be difficulties... but I mean, I think to some extent, this will be the MOST socially-abled generation.


I can see it already, people a little younger than me do not know how to answer a phone call. You will call and then get a text message back saying whats up. Things like that. They are more comfortable not only in non-face-to-face, but now it seems in non voice-to-voice. People rather talk through text, IM, facebook, myspace etc...

The sad part is that I see a lot of kids at work writing like they type. Instead of "this", they write "dis", for example. The teachers do a great job putting a stop to it immediately though.

  • Author

We are becoming a society of isolationists.


You never have to deal with people. Everything you could ever want or need is on the internet. There is no need for face to face communication.


How sad. :confused

We are becoming a society of isolationists.


You never have to deal with people. Everything you could ever want or need is on the internet. There is no need for face to face communication.


How sad. :confused

Nothing sad about a future where you don't have to face dickface teenagers whenever you just want to buy some damn pants. God I hate the mall.

  • Author

We are becoming a society of isolationists.


You never have to deal with people. Everything you could ever want or need is on the internet. There is no need for face to face communication.


How sad. :confused

Nothing sad about a future where you don't have to face dickface teenagers

whenever you just want to buy some damn pants. God I hate the mall.


Rabbie- My point exactly. I do NOT ever go to malls anymore. Far and away, most of the people are rude and have no social graces whatsoever. I prefer to do most of my shopping on line.


Case in point- I was at the nail salon the other day and there was several clients. We were all having our own conversations when in walked these 2 male friends of one of the young (17-21) age clients. All you heard was, "Oh f***- sh*t no dawg! C'mon -he's a DICK. f***- Oh hell- sh*t no! He can f***ING SUCK MY COCK" On and on went the explitives - so much so that almost everyone was starting at them. I really wanted to get up and ask them to either tone it down or clean up their language because they're in public but I figured, they didn't have much sense to begin with, so my comment wouldn't make any difference.


I truly believe this is exacerbated by internet conversations. I usually don't go blaming something on one entity but, I was raised in a different generation. We didn't curse in public. We treated people respectfully. It was the 'do unto others' kind of thing. Now, I think it's the "I'm doing what I feel, and screw everyone else"

You can curse and be rude on the internet because there's no physical interaction. If I say, "f*** you" to you on the internet - what are you going to do? Hit me? This generation has become desensitized to flesh & blood conversations. They never have to soo the person. They can text them while they're sitting right next to them.


One more thing and some might think me a prude or a dinosaur. I remember situations where you were expected to dress up. Going to a wedding, funeral, church, etc.. Now, I see not only kids but people in the current generation (18-30?) who dress like they just woke up. I went to a funeral recently where you definitely saw a difference in the generations. The older people ( 50+) wore somber, nice clothes. No jeans, tee shirts, no sneakers, no hoochie mama shirts or midriff shirts. But some of the younger people - my God!! Jeans - ripped, shirts hanging out - shirts over wife beaters - tee shirts - shorts & flip flops!! How disrespectful to the family of the deceased! Am I just being an old fart here??


Ah - My end of the year rantings and ravings...

I truly believe this is exacerbated by internet conversations. I usually don't go blaming something on one entity but, I was raised in a different generation. We didn't curse in public. We treated people respectfully. It was the 'do unto others' kind of thing. Now, I think it's the "I'm doing what I feel, and screw everyone else"

You can curse and be rude on the internet because there's no physical interaction. If I say, "f*** you" to you on the internet - what are you going to do? Hit me? This generation has become desensitized to flesh & blood conversations. They never have to soo the person. They can text them while they're sitting right next to them.


One more thing and some might think me a prude or a dinosaur. I remember situations where you were expected to dress up. Going to a wedding, funeral, church, etc.. Now, I see not only kids but people in the current generation (18-30?) who dress like they just woke up. I went to a funeral recently where you definitely saw a difference in the generations. The older people ( 50+) wore somber, nice clothes. No jeans, tee shirts, no sneakers, no hoochie mama shirts or midriff shirts. But some of the younger people - my God!! Jeans - ripped, shirts hanging out - shirts over wife beaters - tee shirts - shorts & flip flops!! How disrespectful to the family of the deceased! Am I just being an old fart here??


Ah - My end of the year rantings and ravings...


Absolutely not, it's all in how you were raised. I'm a bit of a prude myself in that I don't curse or use foul language, in public or otherwise... I was raised to always refer to people I don't know casually as "Sir" or "Ma'am" or whatever title they're give (Doctor, Military Rank, etc).


There are a few of us out there, but you're right in that the lack of necessitated physical interaction between people is completely degrading formalities that used to be second nature.


/pretending to be an older person

Yea and the fact that our gen. curses to act cool or tough in front of friends because i know about half of them would get there asses beat if they cursed in front of there parents.


I only curse out of frustration or anger which i need to work on but anger management sure did help in 3rd grade.

And with the texting and non face tot face communication yea its not the best but its a way we can let things out like our feelings without having to be nervous or if you want to talk 1 on 1 without any of his or her friends.


In Closing i've come to a conlusion our generation is getting dumber as the technology gets better.



Is it just me our do the middle new schooler's(6th graders) get shorter every year

Is it just me our do the middle new schooler's(6th graders) get shorter every year


You're getting taller :rolleyes:

Is it just me our do the middle new schooler's(6th graders) get shorter every year


You're getting taller :rolleyes:



No like i was 5'5 starting now im 5'9


The avg 6th grader this year is like 4'10

Is it just me our do the middle new schooler's(6th graders) get shorter every year


You're getting taller :rolleyes:



No like i was 5'5 starting now im 5'9


The avg 6th grader this year is like 4'10



Is it just me our do the middle new schooler's(6th graders) get shorter every year


You're getting taller :rolleyes:



No like i was 5'5 starting now im 5'9


The avg 6th grader this year is like 4'10





HEY, im only 14 Mister

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