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Dolphins Stadium Chooses Daktronics to Design and Build World's Largest High Definition LED Video Display

07.10.2005 12:15:00


Daktronics Inc. (Nasdaq:DAKT) of Brookings, S.D.,announced today that it has been awarded a contract to design andbuild the world's largest high definition (HD) light emitting diode(LED) display for Dolphins Stadium in Miami.


Daktronics has been chosen by Dolphins Stadium to provide twolarge ProStar® video displays, each with true, physical pixelresolution exceeding the 720p high definition television standard of720 pixel by 1,280 pixel resolution. The largest of the two displayswill be the largest of its kind in the world. The project is scheduledto be completed in time for the 2006 baseball season.


The facility will be the first NFL venue to implement true HDlarge screen video. Sports fans are becoming accustomed to watchingtheir teams on high definition broadcasts. Now fans in DolphinsStadium will see incredible, high resolution, crystal clear, livevideo and replays on the new digital displays behind each end zone.Both ProStar® screens will incorporate an even wider aspect ratiothan the 9:16 wide screen ratio of HD television, and will give fans awider, more panoramic view of the action. With their superb resolutionand super wide format, the displays will also have the ability to showmultiple images simultaneously.


Behind the east end zone, a Daktronics ProStar® display will beinstalled on the existing scoreboard structure. This display willmeasure approximately 50 feet high by 137 feet with a true resolutionof 736 pixels high by 2,112 pixels wide. Full-screen images shown onthis display will be comprised of more than 1.5 million pixels, madefrom more than 4.6 million red, green and blue LEDs. Upon completion,this display will become the world's largest high definition videodisplay, surpassing one installed earlier this year that wasrecognized as the largest by Guinness World Records. The largest ofthe two ProStar® displays at Dolphins Stadium will be nearly 20percent larger than the current record holder.


Behind the west end zone, a second large ProStar® display willbe installed. This high definition display will measure approximately50 feet high by 99 feet wide, and will be mounted to the existingsupport structure.


"Daktronics is very excited about the opportunity to bring true HDlarge screen video to a great venue like Dolphins Stadium," said JamesMorgan, President and CEO of Daktronics. "This will add anotherdimension and greater entertainment for the fans. With this upgrade,Dolphins Stadium will claim the world's largest HD video screen, whichwill be a landmark for video display technology."


"As a football fan who has attended Dolphins games, I can say thegame-day experience is already exceptional," said Brent Stevens,Daktronics Regional Sales Manager for Large Sports Venues. "Theinstallation of these two revolutionary displays will enhance thatexperience even further by allowing Dolphins fans to see imagesunsurpassed in any venue in the world."


"From home televisions to the way TV networks broadcast footballgames, the sports and entertainment industries are moving to highdefinition video equipment, and now is a great time for DolphinsStadium to implement this significant transition," Stevens said. "Fanswill be amazed with the image quality of the ProStar screens."


About Dolphins Stadium


Dolphins Stadium is a world class sports and entertainmentdestination and hosts a wide variety of events, including MiamiDolphins football, Florida Marlins baseball, and the FedEx OrangeBowl. Dolphins Stadium will be the site of the 2007 and 2010 SuperBowl games. Dolphins Stadium has played host to three NFL Super Bowlsin 1989, 1995 and 1999, two MLB World Series 1997 and 2003, andnumerous concerts, featuring entertainers such as U2, the RollingStones, Pink Floyd, Elton John, Billy Joel, Chicago, Genesis, GloriaEstefan, Guns & Roses, The Who, Hall & Oates, Rod Stewart, PaulMcCartney, and the Three Tenors World Tour.


Other events held at Dolphins Stadium include international soccermatches, Monster Truck shows, Hoop-It-Up Basketball, RV and BoatShows, the UniverSoul Circus and numerous trade shows.


About Daktronics


Daktronics large screen video systems entertain and inform fans atsports facilities around the world. Daktronics ProStar® technologyis currently used at 14 National Football League facilities. With thisproject, Daktronics systems will have been, or will be used at, fourconsecutive Super Bowls, including the 2005 Super Bowl at ALLTELStadium in Jacksonville, Fla., the 2006 game at Ford Field, home ofthe Detroit Lions, in 2007 at Dolphins Stadium in Miami, and the 2008Super Bowl at the Arizona Cardinals new stadium currently underconstruction.


Daktronics began manufacturing large screen, full-color, LED videodisplays in 1997. Since then, over 1,600 ProStar® and ProAd®full-color displays have been sold and installed in sporting,entertainment and commercial facilities around the world. Since 2001,Stanford Resources, Inc. has ranked Daktronics as the world's leadingprovider of large screen LED video displays.


Daktronics has strong leadership positions in, and is one of theworld's largest suppliers of, electronic scoreboards,computer-programmable displays, and large screen video displays andcontrol systems. The company excels in the control of large displaysystems, including those that require integration of multiple complexdisplays showing real-time information, graphics, animation and video.Daktronics designs, manufactures, markets and services display systemsfor customers around the world, in sport, business and transportationapplications. For more information, visit the company's World Wide Website at: http://www.daktronics.com, e-mail the company [email protected], call (605) 697-4300 or toll-free (800) 325-8766in the United States or write to the company at 331 32nd Ave. PO Box5128 Brookings, S.D. 57006-5128.


Cautionary Notice: In addition to statements of historical fact,this news release contains forward-looking statements reflecting theCompany's expectations or beliefs concerning future events, whichcould materially affect Company performance in the future. The Companycautions that these and similar statements involve risk anduncertainties including changes in economic and market conditions,management of growth, timing and magnitude of future contracts andother risks noted in the Company's SEC filings which may cause actualresults to differ materially. Forward-looking statements are made inthe context of information available as of the date stated. Thecompany undertakes no obligation to update or revise such statementsto reflect new circumstances or unanticipated events as they occur.

Whoa, cool :thumbup

that is very cool!

The Linc in philly has one of those and its awsome


Here are some pics.

This is awesome...


Has anyone seen the one in Atlanta... Its amazing....


I actually really happy about this....

This is awesome...


Has anyone seen the one in Atlanta... Its amazing....


I actually really happy about this....


If its anything like the one in Atlanta, ... wow


  • Author

we payed for that with out $10 parking, lol...


Party on, Wayne.

Nice! :thumbup


we payed for that with out $10 parking, lol...


Party on, Wayne.



Too bad they'll never show replays during Marlins games.

How much is the lease going to go up for Wayne to let us use it. Sorry he is by far the biggest prick ever in my book and anything I read about Joe Robbie at this point just pisses me off.

at least we will beat the braves in something

How much is the lease going to go up for Wayne to let us use it. Sorry he is by far the biggest prick ever in my book and anything I read about Joe Robbie at this point just pisses me off.




Great, now that Dolphins Stadium is getting touched up we will have less of a reason to leave according to stadium detractors.


What a gay.

Too bad they'll never show replays during Marlins games.


why not?

Too bad they'll never show replays during Marlins games.


why not?


Haven't you noticed the extreme lack of replays during Marlins games? When they do show a replay it's always on the most random play towards the end of the game. Hopefully they'll take advantage of the HD and show more :confused

The replays we all want to see anyways, the controversial ones, I'm pretty sure cannot be shown in MLB parks. Or at least, if it is legal, nobody does it.


I think we've had this conversation before and that's what we came up with.

Haven't you noticed the extreme lack of replays during Marlins games? When they do show a replay it's always on the most random play towards the end of the game. Hopefully they'll take advantage of the HD and show more :confused


That's not true, they show all the big hits and great plays from my experience. They just don't show disputed calls and I think that's because that is frowned upon or not allowed.

Haven't you noticed the extreme lack of replays during Marlins games? When they do show a replay it's always on the most random play towards the end of the game. Hopefully they'll take advantage of the HD and show more :confused


That's not true, they show all the big hits and great plays from my experience. They just don't show disputed calls and I think that's because that is frowned upon or not allowed.


Maybe you're right but for some reason I always feel like they don't show enough replays when I really want to see one, maybe it's just me


Suck on this, Ted Turner.

Great, now that Dolphins Stadium is getting touched up we will have less of a reason to leave according to stadium detractors.


What a gay.


What a gay what?



And that screen looks nice

I wonder how that compares to the size of the current displays.

Suck on this, Ted Turner.



Ted Turner dont own em.

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