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Yeah that Cabrera guy sucks!


Are people really complaining about Miguel Cabrera? The guy who's had one of the best starts to a career in the history of the game? The guy who instantly became one of the best players in the game?


Yeah he's gonna ruin the team with his bad attitude. The bum.

... but he is showing signs that he might either be on steroids or he will never be able to be a leader on this team.



Possibly the stupidest thought ever put into print. Yeah, a career .300 hitter who averages 30+ hrs a season is going to start taking steriods right when MLB starts testing for them. Good move. :banghead


If you followed the team at the end of last season there were clear signs that there is some dissention begining to brew in Cabrera. He is young, talented, and on a team no one considers to be contending in the next 1/2 decade. He is making peanuts and finds no reason to put forth effort. If the Marlins keep him around this attitude problem may be so ingrained in his mentality it may have some serious negative effects on his career. I like Cabrera. I don't think he needs to be wasting years in a lineup that 1) won't contend and 2) he has no protection in and won't get anything to hit. I would love to see him to go a veteran run club like the Cardinals where that type of bull won't be tolerated. The best thing for Cabrera (and maybe the Marlins) would be putting on a different uniform before the 06 trade deadline.



Why post here? You abandoned the Marlins and said you were going to be a Cardinal fan.

well since u wana hear a autograph story, here it goes


last year ST during spring break i went to the game marlins vs cardinals and i sat in the bleachers with a friend. i had a baseball and a sharpie and he had a glove. since my friend got scared i took over for the autos. we saw miggy coming through the gate and i ran to the side and hung over it with the glove and the ball in it. i was yelling at him in english yet he was kept walking finally he stopped when i told him to sign my baseball in spanish. he wouldnt sign the glove until i just threw it at his chest and signed it then. felt kinda stupid that it took such a hassle for him to sign something

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On Friday night the Marlins stayed at the Hilton in Arlington.


Cabrera signed my car full of stuff everything from 2 batting helmets one of them was game used from when he played with Uthica he even inscribed everything putting game used and date he used it.


Game used hat from 2003 that he put game used 2003 ws champs on.


He signed 5 8x10 pictures. Took 2 different pictures with me.

Oh yeah he signed a batting helmet I painted to look like a Venezuelan flag. All this in the hotel lobby.

Cabrera gave me the ultimate fan experience.


Then.... The whole team went over to Manhattans which is a night club next to the Hilton and he signed even more stuff for me over there. (2 programs from when he played with Uthica, 8x10 Photo, 2 6/20/2003 ticket stubs) I was telling him that I was a huge fan and that I would prob. not see him again until the go to Denver which I plan on going. The whole time he was signing he was talking to me like he knew me.


Total in that night I got 2 batting helmets, 1 game used hat, 6 photos, 2 programs, and 2 first game ticket stubs. all by Cabrera! The autographs were awesome to all in cursive you could read almost every letter in his name. He also asked me what number do you want me to put 20 or 24.


Oh yeah it was funny he saw the hat that was game used from 2003 and made a joke saying "maybe I need to wear the hat for this season."


I will post all the pics when I get them downloaded.


I also took pics with Hermida, Jacobs, Willis, Hanely, Abercrombie.


I blew all the pics up to 8x10's and only Willis and Hermida signed their pics. Willis was like I just took this with you yesterday in Frisco you blew it up that fast.


Whole team is very approachable.

yet you talk smack about him. how nice.

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No it was not smack just wondering since most of you guys are from Miami area maybe you know whats going on with him on the field.


He is a great guy my fav player just wonder whats up with him.

On Friday night the Marlins stayed at the Hilton in Arlington.


Cabrera signed my car full of stuff everything from 2 batting helmets one of them was game used from when he played with Uthica he even inscribed everything putting game used and date he used it.


Game used hat from 2003 that he put game used 2003 ws champs on.


He signed 5 8x10 pictures. Took 2 different pictures with me.

Oh yeah he signed a batting helmet I painted to look like a Venezuelan flag. All this in the hotel lobby.

Cabrera gave me the ultimate fan experience.


Then.... The whole team went over to Manhattans which is a night club next to the Hilton and he signed even more stuff for me over there. (2 programs from when he played with Uthica, 8x10 Photo, 2 6/20/2003 ticket stubs) I was telling him that I was a huge fan and that I would prob. not see him again until the go to Denver which I plan on going. The whole time he was signing he was talking to me like he knew me.


Total in that night I got 2 batting helmets, 1 game used hat, 6 photos, 2 programs, and 2 first game ticket stubs. all by Cabrera! The autographs were awesome to all in cursive you could read almost every letter in his name. He also asked me what number do you want me to put 20 or 24.


Oh yeah it was funny he saw the hat that was game used from 2003 and made a joke saying "maybe I need to wear the hat for this season."


I will post all the pics when I get them downloaded.


I also took pics with Hermida, Jacobs, Willis, Hanely, Abercrombie.


I blew all the pics up to 8x10's and only Willis and Hermida signed their pics. Willis was like I just took this with you yesterday in Frisco you blew it up that fast.


Whole team is very approachable.



yeah, what a !$*#()!@ roider that guy is.

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You tell me who gets pissed off in from of all the fans and breaks his bat against the batting cage!


I was just saying maybe not that I think but why the attitude from the forum. Jeeze!

Can't wait to see the pics :mischief

You tell me who gets pissed off in from of all the fans and breaks his bat against the batting cage!


I was just saying maybe not that I think but why the attitude from the forum. Jeeze!



Anyone. It's not the first a guy breaks his bat.


Everyone has an attitude because your throwing around ridiculous claims.

LOL at Cabs signing all your stuff and you throwing steroid accusations at him. Way to pay him back!


You realize a ton of ballers don't even acknowledge adult male fans or take the time to sign even one autograph. Sounds like Cabs is still down to earth, not an a**hole, and not on roids.

LOL at Cabs signing all your stuff and you throwing steroid accusations at him. Way to pay him back!


You realize a ton of ballers don't even acknowledge adult male fans or take the time to sign even one autograph. Sounds like Cabs is still down to earth, not an a**hole, and not on roids.





It seems like all the players run away from me and I am not a guy. Meh!

LOL at Cabs signing all your stuff and you throwing steroid accusations at him. Way to pay him back!


You realize a ton of ballers don't even acknowledge adult male fans or take the time to sign even one autograph. Sounds like Cabs is still down to earth, not an a**hole, and not on roids.





It seems like all the players run away from me and I am not a guy. Meh!


Their loss!

On Friday night the Marlins stayed at the Hilton in Arlington.


Cabrera signed my car full of stuff everything from 2 batting helmets one of them was game used from when he played with Uthica he even inscribed everything putting game used and date he used it.


Game used hat from 2003 that he put game used 2003 ws champs on.


He signed 5 8x10 pictures. Took 2 different pictures with me.

Oh yeah he signed a batting helmet I painted to look like a Venezuelan flag. All this in the hotel lobby.

Cabrera gave me the ultimate fan experience.


Then.... The whole team went over to Manhattans which is a night club next to the Hilton and he signed even more stuff for me over there. (2 programs from when he played with Uthica, 8x10 Photo, 2 6/20/2003 ticket stubs) I was telling him that I was a huge fan and that I would prob. not see him again until the go to Denver which I plan on going. The whole time he was signing he was talking to me like he knew me.


Total in that night I got 2 batting helmets, 1 game used hat, 6 photos, 2 programs, and 2 first game ticket stubs. all by Cabrera! The autographs were awesome to all in cursive you could read almost every letter in his name. He also asked me what number do you want me to put 20 or 24.


Oh yeah it was funny he saw the hat that was game used from 2003 and made a joke saying "maybe I need to wear the hat for this season."


I will post all the pics when I get them downloaded.


I also took pics with Hermida, Jacobs, Willis, Hanely, Abercrombie.


I blew all the pics up to 8x10's and only Willis and Hermida signed their pics. Willis was like I just took this with you yesterday in Frisco you blew it up that fast.


Whole team is very approachable.



That's awesome :thumbup :thumbup

Miguel Cabrera???




You tell me who gets pissed off in from of all the fans and breaks his bat against the batting cage!


I was just saying maybe not that I think but why the attitude from the forum. Jeeze!




maybe he was pissed he wasn't getting around on the ball or maybe he just found out he lost an Ebay auction or something. He's there to play ball, not to smile and wink at you for 3 hours. It seems like you've squeezed about as much from him as one fan could anyway so you might as well take the (very minor) bad with the goldmine of good he's already given you.


How nice would you be when kids/adults "throw their glove into the players chest" to get them to sign? I'm sure that never gets old.

Might as well call Miguel Minny Manny. They can both step onto a field at any point in time and dominate with the stick. In fact, they're both pretty identical in skills, too. Both are lazy. Neither are leaders. Just the way things are...

Both are lazy. Neither are leaders. Just the way things are...


are they lazy or is that just the way it appears?

As long as Cabs puts up the numbers every year, I don't care if he turns into Mini-Manny

LOL at Cabs signing all your stuff and you throwing steroid accusations at him. Way to pay him back!


You realize a ton of ballers don't even acknowledge adult male fans or take the time to sign even one autograph. Sounds like Cabs is still down to earth, not an a**hole, and not on roids.



lmao so true

The whole team went over to Manhattans which is a night club next to the Hilton






I can't see Moe going to a nightclub :lol

I wanted to post this topic to see if I was the only one seeing this. I am from Fort Worth, Texas so my first look at the Marlins was this past Friday and Saturday.


During BP Cabrera walks around and does the streches half a*s it is almost embarassing to watch him out there.


Then during BP he was batting fine during his first round of BP then when his second turn came up he hit like 3 balls then broke his bat on the cage and walked off the field saying F-this and F-that. I hate to say this but he is showing signs that he might either be on steroids or he will never be able to be a leader on this team.




One of my best friends was at Saturday's game in Arlington as well, and got me a ton of Miguel pics while he was warming up and taking BP. I am absolutely not disputing what you heard/saw.. but my friend watched BP the entire time and was right next to the batting cage. He didn't mention seeing Miguel do any of this, I think he wuld have taken plenty of glee in telling me Miguel was acting like a nutcase. LOL maybe he missed the broken bat and cursing but I dunno how. When was he acting like this? During the beginning or end of BP? I gotta ask my friend about your recount of events.

I heard Miguel is having some unspecified 'family problems' I don't know if this may be contributing to his sour mood.

I live in Philly, and have been to just about every Marlins game at CBP (Citizens Bank Park) for the past 2 seasons, and Miguel has always warmed up with the team etc. I dunno.. It really doesn't matter in the end because his #'s do all the talking so to speak. :)

thats nice he signed all those things at a night club...............

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