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Brawny brown going to mariners


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Seems like Brown did well here and several players liked what he brought and I heard their preparation was elevated but obviously the offense was still lacking so I can't hate the idea of someone else giving it a shot as our hitting coach. Would have been OK with Brownie staying, glad he wasn't fired, but also can't complain that he's getting a better gig. 

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5 hours ago, UpperDeckFishTank said:

The Bruce shills will say we needed more runs and that was the hitting coaches fault.

I mean.


Also Skip's fault for not calling for more base stealing.

Also Kim's fault for getting a bunch of ground ball hitters.

Also Bruce's fault for not opening up the wallet, but to his credit, he did midseason, at least.

Also the hitters' faults.

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1 hour ago, Admin said:

Yeah. I had nothing against Brant Brown, but this isn't likely going to hurt the team much.

I kind of felt like he was the type of coach that needed a few seasons to really start showing what he could do by building up his hitting program. Regardless, the results show we didn't score runs so whatevs.

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7 hours ago, TaiwanMarlins said:

what you need is good hitter and not good hitting coach, Arraez hitting good no matter who's his hitting coach, Brinson hitting bad no matter who's his hitting coach. 

Not necessarily but even if so, those are two extremes about your best hitters and your worst hitters. Hitting coaches can make a huge difference for all those middle of the pack hitters who can improve with better coaching or who could be negatively affected by bad coaching.

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4 hours ago, rmc523 said:

There were approach issues with some guys (massive swings at pitches 1-2).


thats a 2023 MLB league wide trend in case you havent noticed, its been the trend for the last 5 years at least.

nobody seems to care if you strike out too much and cannot grasp situational baseball as a general rule of thumb.  Cant fault Brant for that approach when pretty much everyone else has the same issue.

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14 hours ago, SilverBullet said:

Wild that people want the Marlins coaches for once and crazy that they want Brown when the Marlins offense was still underwhelming. 

Park dimensions and lack of offensive talent played a big part in that.   Look what he did for both Burger and Bell when they came over at the deadline.  He also made strides with both Sanchez and DLC.  

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