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Strong push for Chapman and Jansen coming


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So didn't the Marlins offer like $6 million more than the Dodgers did? And Florida has no state income tax? Meaning Jansen opted to stay in LA for much less money.


Nobody wants to play for Loria or the MArlins because they have a three ring circus operation!! LOLOL


and so did the Nats to be fair.  But Washington got a super nice mention from his agent while Miami did not.  NOT FAIR!



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For starters I quoted your post but it's not just you and I wasn't trying to make it personal so we can drop the cursing at each other. I have never had a problem with you and still don't, I was venting at something that bothers me. I hope that's clear. Moving on... I'm tired of the assumption that free agents will never come here because of our owner only. Four free agents signed here within the last two weeks alone. Yes they aren't Chapman or Jansen but they're still mlb free agents. Other reasons why people won't sign here? Chapman said he loved his Yankee time and was happy to return there. Jansen loved what he had in LA and didn't want to abandon that. It's not always because they hate our team. Free agents can choose to go wherever they want, whenever we don't get one everyone assumes it's because they hate Loria and that's not true.


Fair enough.  Maybe the players don't think it but what I listed is the mindset around here.  Not sure what the public opinion is like in Florida but up where I live I am at the intersection of 4 markets: O's, Nats, Pirates and Phillies and pretty much their fan bases all believe the Marlins are a joke of a team run poorly with no hopes of playoffs ever again. As a Marlins fan here, it is an uphill battle for respect for the fish.  It is a Me against the world feeling so yeah,  personally I am sick of this drought and crappy ownership while local teams keep getting in.   While a WS appearance would be great I just want a few seasons of consistent playoffs.



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